Best aiming for world of warships
Best aiming for world of warships

best aiming for world of warships

It’s only a tier 5 ship too, meaning it won’t be too hard to earn. Add to that the ship skill Engine Accelerator I which increases max speed by 10%, and it’s a scary vehicle. Not only that, but with a concealment level of 8666, it’s one of the hardest ships to hit in the game. The Mutsuki has maneuverability that is only beaten by a premium ship in its base form, and with a couple of upgrades will outpace even that. It’s a long way to go, but it’ll increase your odds of winning. To acquire the Yamato, you’ll need to get tier 1 Hashidate, tier 2 Chikuma, tier 3 Kawachi, tier 4 Ichizuchi, and then follow the upgrade path from there. Not only that, but it’s ship skill Precise Aiming System II increases main gun accuracy by 35% for 20 seconds, making it deadly even in long-range encounters. It has the very best base survivability in the game, and it’s gun are incredibly powerful, too. The Yamato is Tier X Japanese Battleship, and it’s nothing be to be sniffed at. Take a look below and you’ll soon know which upgrade path you’ll want to take in World of Warships Blitz! Take a look right here for more World of Warships Blitz guides and content. We’ve taken the survivability, maneuverability, guns and concealment stats, and put together a list of what we think the best ships are to earn in each stat, with a few high-tier rewards that’ll keep players sailing for a while, and a few lower-tier ones you’ll earn a bit more easily. So you’re starting up World of Warships Blitz and you want to know which warships are going to carry you to victory? You’re a wise one looking this up, and after reading you’re only going to become more enlightened thanks to some light reading about the high seas.

Best aiming for world of warships